Monday, October 19, 2015


Another reality star has been indicted on bankruptcy fraud and this time it is Abby Lee Miller of the highly successful Lifetime Dance Moms.

According to
The grand-jury indictment of [Miller], who is accused of hiding payments she got from her appearance on the reality TV show, traces back to a night in January 2013 when Judge Thomas Agresti came across Ms. Miller’s “Ultimate Dance Competition” on television, according to court papers. 
Ms. Miller had filed for bankruptcy in December 2010, facing $356,466.52 in debt, according to documents filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Pittsburgh. Her lawyers had said in early court papers that Ms. Miller had the potential to profit from the show, but money from those appearances wasn’t disclosed in the monthly reports that documented her income. 
At one point in 2010, Ms. Miller told a court official that the reality show would bring in publicity “but no separate TV revenue,” according to court papers. 
Ms. Miller told Judge Agresti that she could only afford to pay back a portion of the money she owes just a few weeks before the channel-surfing moment aired on television.
 “I realized that there’s an awful lot of money coming into this plan—this case—and it hasn’t been disclosed,” said Judge Agresti said of that moment, according to a transcript of a Feb. 1, 2013, hearing
Lawyers for Ms. Miller did not immediately return requests for comment. (Source)

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Ray Tensing
Defendant Ray Tensing

Samuel Dubose (pictured above)  was killed by former Officer Ray Tensing.
(CNN)Former University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges of murder and voluntary manslaughter in the July 19 shooting death of Samuel DuBose.
At the arraignment, the judge set Tensing's bond at $1 million.
Some inside the courtroom applauded when Judge Megan Shanahan announced the bond, and she quickly admonished them and called for order in the court.
Tensing posted bond later in the day, according to the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts' website. His next court date is set for August 19. 
Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters announced the charges at a news conference this week. 
"I've been doing this for over 30 years. This is the most asinine act I've ever seen a police officer make -- totally unwarranted," he said. "It's an absolute tragedy in the year 2015 that anyone would behave in this manner. It was senseless." 
Deters played body camera footage of the traffic stop shooting that appeared to contradict Tensing's version of what happened.
The prosecutor, who said he was shocked when he first saw the video, was adamant that DuBose, who is black, had not acted aggressively toward Tensing, who is white. 
"People want to believe that Mr. DuBose had done something violent towards the officer -- he did not. He did not at all. I feel so sorry for his family and what they lost, and I feel sorry for the community, too," Deters said. (Source)
    Sidebar:  I refuse to watch the video of Mr. Samuel DuBose's being murder in cold blood by this idiot.  I do not need to watch yet another senseless killing of another American at the hands of an incompetent racist cop, who clearly abused his limited police authority.  Limited authority meaning a police officer must act within the parameters of the United States Constitution, state law, proper police protocol and human decency.  

    Monday, July 27, 2015


    Sandra Bland
    The American Black community is faced with yet another murder of a U.S. citizen while in the custody of police.

    This time the victim's name is Sandra Bland.

    At approximately 4:30 p.m. on July 10, Bland was driving a silver Hyundai Azera in Waller County, TX near Prairie View A&M University when state trooper Brian Encinia pulled her over for failing to signal a lane change.

    What should have been a routine traffic stop quickly escalated to in an illegal and brutal arrest of Bland by Encinia which was caught on the trooper's patrol car dash-cam video. 

    Bland was subsequently booked at the Waller County Jail for the third-degree felony and was placed alone in a cell that typically accommodates four inmates, according to authorities. 

    Over the next couple days, Bland called her family several times to assist her with posting her $5,000 bail, relatives said. She also told them she thought her shoulder or arm was broken.  Her family began making arrangements to get her released.

    In a voice mail to a male friend on the day after her arrest, Bland said: "I'm still just at a loss for words, honestly, about this whole process. How this switching lanes with no signal turned into all of this, I don't even know.

    According to Waller County Jail officials, the last time Bland seen alive was about 7 a.m. on Monday, July 13. Just before 8 a.m., she asked about using the phone. An hour later, a guard went to her cell and saw her hanging from a partition with a plastic trash can liner around her neck. Medical workers were alerted, and guards tried to resuscitate her. 

    Sidebar:  If this young woman's death does not facilitate comprehensive police reform and lead to the arrest of Brian Encinia as soon as possible, there is about to be another civil war on American soil.

    Americans will not continue to allow rogue police officers to continue to abuse their police powers without immediate repercussions.

    Poor police training, lack of appropriate supervision by supervisors and blatant racism have been the leading causes of police brutality against American Blacks.

    It is time for justice or else.........

    Sunday, July 5, 2015


    The Los Angeles Prosecutor has declined to file felony charges against Music and Business Mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs for his alledge physical altercation with a strength and conditioning coach at UCLA last month.


    Combs, 45, was arrested June 22 at the Acosta Athletic Training Complex at UCLA on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, battery and making terrorist threats. He was released later that night after being taken to the sheriff’s Inmate Reception Center....  
    According to celebrity website, the elder Combs saw a coach deriding his son, Justin Combs, a Bruin redshirt junior defensive back, and confronted the coach -- allegedly wielding a kettlebell, a type of weight. 
    UCLA football coach Jim Mora issued a statement last month saying he was “thankful that our staff showed the level of professionalism that they did in handling this situation.”
    “This is an unfortunate incident for all parties involved. While UCPD continues to review this matter, we will let the legal process run its course ...,” Mora said. 
    Justin Combs has made four tackles in seven games over two seasons. He posted a photo of himself with his father on Instagram with the caption, “I thank God for having a father that’s always there for me. Love you pops!” (SOURCE)

    The case has been referred to the L.A. City Attorney to determine if misdemeanor charges will be filed against Mr. Combs.