Thursday, July 30, 2015


Ray Tensing
Defendant Ray Tensing

Samuel Dubose (pictured above)  was killed by former Officer Ray Tensing.
(CNN)Former University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges of murder and voluntary manslaughter in the July 19 shooting death of Samuel DuBose.
At the arraignment, the judge set Tensing's bond at $1 million.
Some inside the courtroom applauded when Judge Megan Shanahan announced the bond, and she quickly admonished them and called for order in the court.
Tensing posted bond later in the day, according to the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts' website. His next court date is set for August 19. 
Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters announced the charges at a news conference this week. 
"I've been doing this for over 30 years. This is the most asinine act I've ever seen a police officer make -- totally unwarranted," he said. "It's an absolute tragedy in the year 2015 that anyone would behave in this manner. It was senseless." 
Deters played body camera footage of the traffic stop shooting that appeared to contradict Tensing's version of what happened.
The prosecutor, who said he was shocked when he first saw the video, was adamant that DuBose, who is black, had not acted aggressively toward Tensing, who is white. 
"People want to believe that Mr. DuBose had done something violent towards the officer -- he did not. He did not at all. I feel so sorry for his family and what they lost, and I feel sorry for the community, too," Deters said. (Source)
    Sidebar:  I refuse to watch the video of Mr. Samuel DuBose's being murder in cold blood by this idiot.  I do not need to watch yet another senseless killing of another American at the hands of an incompetent racist cop, who clearly abused his limited police authority.  Limited authority meaning a police officer must act within the parameters of the United States Constitution, state law, proper police protocol and human decency.  

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